Si View Metropolitan Park District

Let's Play Pickleball

Pickleball is a paddle sport that combines elements of tennis, badminton, and ping-pong using a paddle and plastic ball with holes. It is a game that is appropriate for players of all ages and skill levels. Rules for pickleball are simple, making it a great introductory sport. It can also be quite the challenging, fast-paced, and competitive game when people become more experienced at playing.

Pickleball has quickly become quite popular at Si View. We offer open play, leagues and tournaments both indoors and outdoors. Si View Park outdoor court is lined for pickleball in addition to basketball.

Intro to Pickleball      

Interested in learning to play pickleball, the fastest growing sport in the country? Join this 3-hour clinic to learn all of the basics you'll need to play. We'll cover pickleball rules and court positioning, and practice basic paddle strokes (dink, volley, serve, return). You'll leave with confidence to start playing pickleball. This clinic is designed for brand new players. Limited to 12 people with a low 6:1 student to coach ratio. Taught by PPR certified pickleball coach Chris Fagan and her husband Marty Fagan. Learn more at

Pickleball Skills – Up Your Game!     

Are you an advanced beginner to intermediate pickleball player who wants to improve your skills? Join this 5-week clinic to up your game. We use fun and effective drills, live ball scenarios, and mini-games to help each player improve. Limited to 12 people with a low 6:1 student to coach ratio. Taught by PPR certified pickleball coach Chris Fagan and her husband Marty Fagan. Learn more at

We will cover:

  • Dinking (form, strategy) and volleys (punch volley, block volley).
  • Third shot drop, third shot drive, and approaching the kitchen.
  • Serve and return technique and strategies.
  • Lob and overhead technique and strategies.
  • Advanced offensive and defensive play.

Pickleball Tournament     

New this Winter: Si View Round Robin Pickleball Tournament! A lot like the Festival at Mt. Si, join us for a day filled with fast-paced action and friendly competition, but indoors. The Round Robin Tournament will feature a fun and engaging format that guarantees plenty of games and opportunities to showcase your talents. This is a doubles tournament. One registration per team. Sign up today!

Si View Pickleball Leagues
Recreational Pickleball League
Competitive Pickleball League

Come join us for our Indoor Winter Pickleball League. Our Recreation League is perfect for players rated between 1.0 and 2.5, offering a relaxed and enjoyable atmosphere for friendly matches. If you’re looking for a more competitive edge, our Competitive League is designed for those rated between 3.0 and 5, where the intensity and excitement of the game are at their peak. Both leagues feature a doubles format. Each team consists of a team captain, primary partner, and two substitutes, ensuring flexibility throughout the season. Team captains are responsible of registration of their team, 1 registration per team. Single players, please reach out to Tyler Burnett at for team placement. Team placement is not guaranteed.

Pickleball Open Gym

Come have fun with friends and fellow community members playing pickleball. Open gym times allow attendees to freely play games and compete with others onsite. This is a self-organized activity. Three courts are available on most days to maximize your opportunity to play each day. Nets are set up by staff, please bring a paddle if you have one, limited number of paddles available.

Ready to Play?

Get players together on outdoor community courts. EJ Roberts Park in North Bend has pickleball courts with a permanent net, at Si View Park from May to August you can check out portable nets from the community center for outdoor court play (you'll need to bring your own paddles).

Pickleball is Ideal for All Skill Levels
Because pickleball rules are so similar to ping-pong, it can be easy for practically anyone to learn how to play the game. Whether you're a beginner who just wants to learn a new sport for fun, or you're a seasoned player who craves the thrill of more competitive play, pickleball offers something for everyone.

Pickleball is a Social Activity
Because a pickleball court is smaller than a tennis court (you can actually convert one tennis court into four pickleball courts), gameplay allows players to be close enough to one another that they can hold conversations. So, if you're looking to bond with your family or have an outing with friends new or old, pickleball makes it easy to do just that while also giving you the ability to fit in a fun workout.

Playing Pickleball is Healthy
If you are looking for some great exercise for your mind and body, pickleball can't be beat. Playing pickleball allows you to work on your balance, agility, reflexes, and hand-eye coordination without putting excessive strains on your body. Pickleball is a wonderful alternative for older players who used to play tennis, but have physical limitations such as hip, shoulder, knee, or other joint problems.

How to Get Started
Equipment you will need include comfortable shoes and a paddle. The paddle you use should not be too heavy. The grip should feel comfortable in your hand with some cushion. You have a choice to play singles, doubles or mixed doubles. When playing with equally skilled players as yourself, you will have good competition and lots of fun. All ages play this sport.

Before you get started, be sure to warm up to elevate your heart rate and get your body ready with some dynamic stretches. A game of pickleball is played to 11 points; however, you must win by 2 points. Scoring can be modified for tournament, league, or open play. A game can last anywhere from 10 – 25 minutes. Players can only score points when they are serving.

To start, the serve must be hit under hand and the contact of the paddle to the ball must be below your waist. Each team must play their first shot after the ball bounces, and after that then both teams can choose to move forward up to the non-volley line or stay back at the baseline. It is best to move up to the non-volley line as soon as possible and make sure your partner follows you up.

Partners should always move up or back and side to side together. No volleying is permitted within the seven foot non-volley zone; this prevents players from closing the net since the court is so small. This promotes the drop volley or “dink” shot strategies where players skillfully hit shots over the net that land in the non-volley zone – or called “the kitchen”. If the balls bounces in the kitchen, then a player can step into the kitchen to hit it over.

Some tips: While waiting for the ball, keep your paddle high, centered to your chest – that way you're ready for a shot on either side of you. Keep on your toes, anticipating the next shot. Keep the ball in play – let your opponent make the error.

See you on the courts!