Connect Neighborhoods to Open Spaces
Prepare for Future Parks & Facilities
Improve Neighborhood Parks and Recreation Facilities
*This project has been deferred to a later date. The District aligns projects with available grant cycles and other funding resources to maximize community benefit. To-date, over $1.5M in external grant awards have been used to support the listed capital improvement projects. However, due to high inflation and increasing construction costs, select projects have been deferred and will require securing additional funding and/or partnerships to complete.
How were the projects chosen?
During the 2017 Comprehensive Plan Update, extensive community surveys were conducted and all local resources inventoried identifying gaps in our trails and parks system along with recommended improvements to existing parks and facilities to accommodate expanded usage. District surveys consistently rank parks & open space, and trail connectivity as top priorities for the community.
When was the last capital bond issued and how were those funds used?
In 2010, citizens passed a $6.7 million capital bond measure for parks. The District leveraged the bond proceeds with grant funding, completing nearly $10 million worth of projects including the Si View Community Center rehabilitation, Si View Park renovation, and Tollgate Farm Park development. Aside from the 2010 Capital measure, previous ballot measures have been to protect and maintain current operation funding levels.
How will the funds be used? Details … (PDF)