The Parks, Recreation, and Open Space (PROS) Plan is a 6–10-year strategic plan that provides the vision and framework for Si View Metro Parks to prioritize our work to meet the future recreation needs of our community. This year, we are in the process of updating the District’s 2017 plan and encourage all community members to participate in the process by providing input through a variety of engagement methods in the upcoming months.
We look forward to hearing from you as we plan for the future of the Si View Metropolitan Park District!
In 2017, Si View Metropolitan Park District adopted an updated Comprehensive Plan. This plan was created through input from public surveys, community meetings and stakeholder meetings reflecting community interests and establishing long-term goals and priorities for land acquisition, facility development, recreation programming and parks management. The Plan includes a vision for the District's park and recreation system, goals and objectives, a capital improvements and investment program, and implementation strategies for parks, natural areas and trails, guiding the District with resource allocation.
In 2021, Si View Metropolitan Park District adopted a Recreation Program Plan to define strategies, services, and direction for public recreation programming to meet the needs of the growing community and advance the District's mission. The Recreation Program Plan is a community driven approach to identifying priority programming and services for the District over the course of six to ten years. The plan includes goals and implementation strategies to diversify and expand programming according to resident needs, industry trends and local market analysis. This plan was developed with active engagement by our community, leadership and stakeholders to understand how to best serve current and projected recreation needs for our community.
Statistically valid surveys provide valuable insight to local parks and recreation needs. The District conducts statistically valid surveys on regular intervals. Additional surveys may be conducted on specific topics. Past programming surveys have highlighted the community's strong desire for a variety of outdoor recreation programming and community events. City of North Bend surveys provide additional perspective to local resident needs. Past needs assessments have highlighted the need for a public aquatic center, and a continued focus towards building out a connected trail network.
The District is committed to improving the quality of life for residents through parks and recreation, including investing in infrastructure based on community priorities. Parkland acquisitions and site improvements enhance access to open spaces, connectivity between parks and provide more options for recreation programs. Learn more about site specific parks plans in progress below.